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Alla Rustica - Ealy Music

Alla Rustica: Confraria de Músicos Especializados em Música Antiga. Repertórios Diversificados: Medieval, Renascentista, Barroco, Clássico, Celta, Nórdico e Colonial Latino-Americano. Shows, Feiras Temáticas, Concertos, Palestras. Equipes com Especialistas em Instrumentos Época-Relacionados. Foco em Reconstruções Históricas Musicais e Imersão Cultural. Utilização de Réplicas de Instrumentos de Época e Trajes Tradicionais. Missão: Explorar e Experimentar Música Antiga com Base em Pesquisas Históricas e Inspiração Artística Autêntica.

   "Alla Rustica is a fellowship of musicians who are researchers and practitioners of ancient music, where various repertoires of eras or styles chosen for concerts, theme fairs, concerts and lectures are organized. For each program to be presented, and for each purpose, teams are formed with experts in the instruments and related subjects.


    The group performs repertoires of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Colonial Music from Latin America.


    In addition to programs aimed at historical reconstructions, it also offers Ethnic Music programs such as Celtic, Latin American and other required music with traditional instruments. One of Alla Rustica's main purposes is to broaden the horizon within the practice of ancient music, to investigate and experiment with music not only based on historical and documentary data, which although fundamental, should be considered as clues, but based on them, reconstruct interpretations with intelligence and genuine artistic inspiration"

Vídeos em Destaque

Rotta Wotan Folk Festival_1



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