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Demonstrative Videos 

Here you will find video playlists with demonstrations of all the songs in these collections in at least 3 tempos to help with learning, fast and with embellishments, slower without embellishments and paused, note by note. The subscription is made in a single purchase and allows access for at least 2 years, after that, if the site remains in operation, access continues to be allowed indefinitely. Access and see the samples, after signing, being logged in you will be able to watch the whole thing whenever you need to.

If you have acquired access to a player included in the purchase of a package (combo), your full access is granted within 24 hours after purchase. So just be logged in and click on the respective player.

1 - Il Trotto - demonstração
2 - In Taberna Quando Sumus
3 - Nowel Nowel in Bethlem
1 - Il trotto - Demos whistle-
2 - In Taberna - Demos whistle-
3 - Nowell - Demos whistle-
01.Goddesses - Em
01.Goddesses - Am
02.The Drunken Sailor
01.a.Goddesses - Em
01.b.Goddesses - Am
02.The Drunken Sailor
01-Drømte mig en drøm i nat - Suécia
01 - Brilha Brilha Estrelinha
02 - Meu Lanchinho
03 - Havia uma Barata
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